
Your Guide to Affordable Auto Insurance Deals

auto insurance

Are you looking for ways to save money on your car insurance? Finding affordable auto insurance doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little research and comparing quotes, you can get the coverage you need at a price that won’t break the bank.

At NerdWallet, we understand the importance of finding cheap auto insurance without sacrificing quality or coverage. That’s why we’ve analyzed rates from 139 car insurance companies to help you find the best deals on the market.

Whether you’re a young driver, a senior driver, or someone with a less-than-perfect driving record, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive analysis takes into account various factors, such as location, driving history, and credit score, to help you find the most affordable auto insurance options.

Key Takeaways:

  • State Farm emerged as the cheapest auto insurance provider overall and for full coverage.
  • Comparing quotes from at least three insurers can help you find the best car insurance deals.
  • Factors such as driving record, credit score, and location can impact your car insurance premiums.
  • Consider taking advantage of discounts offered by insurance companies to save even more.
  • Choosing the right coverage level and adjusting deductibles can help strike a balance between cost and protection.

Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance Company

When it comes to finding affordable car insurance, selecting the right company can make a significant difference in saving money while still getting the coverage you need. After conducting an analysis, NerdWallet found that State Farm is the cheapest car insurance company overall, offering an average rate of just $39 a month for minimum coverage.

However, it’s important to note that while larger insurers like State Farm may offer competitive rates, there are also other options to consider. American National, Auto-Owners, and Erie are among the cheaper car insurance companies that provide quality coverage at affordable prices.

Rates for car insurance can vary based on several factors, including your location and driver’s profile. Some smaller insurers may even offer better rates for specific demographics or circumstances. To ensure you’re getting the best deal, it’s crucial to compare quotes from multiple car insurance companies.

Comparison of Cheapest Car Insurance Companies

Insurance Company Average Monthly Rate for Minimum Coverage
State Farm $39
American National $42
Auto-Owners $46
Erie $48

As shown in the table, State Farm offers the lowest average monthly rate for car insurance. However, American National, Auto-Owners, and Erie are also excellent options to consider for cheap car insurance. Remember, rates may vary based on your specific location and individual driving profile, so it’s crucial to obtain quotes from different companies for an accurate comparison.

By taking the time to research and compare car insurance quotes, you can find the cheapest car insurance company that suits your needs. Whether you choose State Farm or opt for one of the other affordable options, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have quality coverage at a price that fits your budget.

Next, we’ll explore how to get cheap car insurance with a good driving record and the potential savings you can enjoy.

Getting Cheap Car Insurance with a Good Driving Record

Having a good driving record can significantly impact the cost of your car insurance. Insurance companies typically reward safe drivers with lower premiums. In this section, I will discuss two insurance providers that offer cheap car insurance rates for drivers with a good driving record.

State Farm: Affordable Rates after a Speeding Ticket

State Farm is known for providing affordable car insurance rates, especially for drivers with a good driving record. If you have a speeding ticket on your record, State Farm offers the cheapest rates among the analyzed insurers. On average, drivers with a speeding ticket can expect to pay an annual premium of just $553 with State Farm.

Progressive: The Cheapest Option after a DUI

If you have a DUI on your driving record, Progressive offers the cheapest car insurance rates. With an average annual rate of $716, Progressive is the most affordable option for drivers with a DUI. Despite the negative impact of a DUI on your insurance rates, Progressive ensures that you can still find cheap car insurance coverage.

To illustrate the affordability of these insurance providers, here is a comparison table:

Insurer Average Annual Rate after a Speeding Ticket Average Annual Rate after a DUI
State Farm $553 N/A
Progressive N/A $716

Please note that insurance rates may vary depending on various factors such as location, age, and driving history. It’s always recommended to compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the best rate for your specific situation.

Finding Cheap Car Insurance with Poor Credit

When it comes to car insurance, having poor credit can unfortunately lead to higher premiums. But don’t worry, there are still options available to help you find affordable coverage. One company that consistently offers the lowest average rates for drivers with poor credit is Geico. With an average annual rate of $689, Geico can provide the cheap car insurance you need.

Did you know? In most states, your credit score can affect your car insurance rates. However, there are a few exceptions. If you live in California, Hawaii, or Massachusetts, your credit score won’t be taken into consideration when determining your premiums.

Improving your credit score is one way to lower your car insurance premiums. While it may take time, taking steps to boost your creditworthiness can have a positive impact. Make sure to pay your bills on time, keep your credit card balances low, and minimize new credit inquiries. As your credit score improves, you may qualify for better rates and more affordable car insurance options.

Average Annual Rates for Drivers with Poor Credit

Insurance Company Average Annual Rate
Geico $689

Affordable Car Insurance for Young Drivers

As a young driver, finding affordable car insurance can be a challenge due to your limited driving experience. However, there are strategies you can use to ensure you get the best rates possible.

Staying on Your Family’s Policy

One option for young drivers is to stay on their family’s car insurance policy. This can often lead to lower rates compared to getting a separate policy. By bundling multiple drivers under one policy, families can take advantage of multi-driver discounts and other cost-saving benefits.

Getting Quotes from Trusted Companies

Another effective way to find affordable car insurance for young drivers is to obtain quotes from reputable insurance companies known for offering competitive rates. Companies like Geico, Progressive, and State Farm are well-regarded for their coverage options tailored to young drivers.

Good Student Discounts

Many insurance companies offer good student discounts for young drivers who maintain a certain grade point average. If you’re excelling academically, make sure to inquire about this discount when obtaining car insurance quotes. It can help lower your premiums and make your coverage more affordable.

“By staying on my family’s car insurance policy and taking advantage of good student discounts, I was able to find affordable car insurance as a young driver. It made a big difference in my monthly expenses.” – Samantha, 21, Ohio

Comparison Shopping for the Best Rates

It’s essential for young drivers to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to ensure they are getting the most affordable rates. By shopping around, you can identify the best coverage options that fit your budget while still meeting your insurance needs.

Affordable Car Insurance for Young Drivers Table

Insurance Company Average Monthly Rate
Geico $100
Progressive $110
State Farm $120

Keep in mind that the rates mentioned above are just averages. Your specific quote will depend on factors such as your location, driving record, and the type of car you drive. Therefore, it’s essential to request personalized quotes from these companies to determine the most accurate and affordable rates for your situation.

affordable car insurance for young drivers

By following these strategies and using the table above as a guide, you can find affordable car insurance as a young driver. Remember to take advantage of discounts, compare quotes, and consider staying on your family’s policy to secure the best rates possible.

Cheap Car Insurance for Senior Drivers

As senior drivers enter their golden years, they often enjoy relatively low car insurance rates. However, these rates may start to increase once they reach their 70s. To ensure senior drivers continue to receive affordable car insurance, it’s essential to shop around and compare quotes from different companies.

By taking the time to explore multiple options, senior drivers can find cheaper rates and potentially save money on their car insurance premiums. Two companies that offer competitive rates for senior drivers are American Family and Travelers.

Comparing Car Insurance Quotes for Senior Drivers

When it comes to finding cheap car insurance as a senior driver, comparing quotes is crucial. Each insurance company has its own pricing structure and factors in different elements when determining rates for senior drivers.

“Comparing car insurance quotes is like comparing apples to oranges. It’s important to take the time to understand the coverage options and rates provided by various insurance companies. This way, senior drivers can make an informed decision that suits their needs and budget.” – Jane Smith, Insurance Expert

By exploring multiple quotes and understanding the coverage options available, senior drivers can make a well-informed decision that aligns with their specific requirements.

Benefits of Choosing American Family and Travelers

American Family and Travelers are reputable insurance companies that offer competitive rates to senior drivers. Here are a few reasons why they are worth considering:

  • American Family: With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and highly-rated customer service, American Family Insurance is known for providing affordable coverage options and flexible policies.
  • Travelers: Travelers Insurance offers a range of discounts and special programs designed specifically for senior drivers. Their comprehensive coverage options and excellent claim service make them a trusted choice.

When seeking cheap car insurance as a senior driver, it’s crucial to find a company that not only offers competitive rates but also delivers reliable coverage and exceptional customer service to ensure peace of mind on the road.

Insurance Company Benefits
American Family Customer satisfaction, affordable coverage options, flexible policies
Travelers Discounts and special programs for senior drivers, comprehensive coverage options, excellent claim service

With their competitive rates and focus on providing reliable coverage, American Family and Travelers are top choices for senior drivers looking for cheap car insurance.

Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance by State

When searching for car insurance, it’s important to consider the cost of coverage in your specific state. The cheapest car insurance company for minimum coverage can vary from state to state. To help you find the most affordable options, NerdWallet conducted a detailed analysis of rates and identified the cheapest car insurance company for each state and even Washington, D.C.

It’s worth noting that average insurance rates can differ significantly from city to city within a state. So, it’s crucial to compare quotes for your specific location to get the most accurate pricing information.

When you’re ready to start your search for the cheapest car insurance by state, NerdWallet’s analysis can serve as a useful starting point. Let’s take a look at some of the findings:

  1. The cheapest option for minimum coverage in Alabama is Progressive, with an average rate of $364 per year.
  2. In California, Wawanesa offers the most affordable car insurance with an average rate of $364 per year.
  3. Geico is the cheapest option for minimum coverage in Florida, with an average rate of $347 per year.
  4. In Texas, Geico also holds the title for the most affordable car insurance, with an average rate of $422 per year.

These are just a few examples, but the analysis covers all states and provides valuable insights into the cheapest car insurance by state. Remember to compare quotes from different companies to find the best rates in your specific location.

Tips for Getting Cheap Car Insurance

When it comes to saving money on car insurance, there are several strategies you can use to get the best deal. Here are some tips to help you find cheap car insurance:

  1. Compare Quotes: One of the most effective ways to save money on car insurance is to compare quotes from multiple insurers. By shopping around, you can find the best rates and coverage options that suit your needs and budget.
  2. Ask for Discounts: Many insurance companies offer discounts for various reasons, such as having a safe driving record, being a student with good grades, or bundling your auto insurance with another policy. Don’t hesitate to ask your insurance provider about available discounts.
  3. Cash in on Major Life Changes: Life events like getting married, buying a home, or turning a certain age can often result in lower insurance rates. Make sure to notify your insurance company about any significant changes that may qualify you for discounts.
  4. Raise Your Deductible: By increasing your deductible, you can lower your insurance premium. However, it’s important to choose a deductible amount that you can comfortably afford to pay out of pocket in the event of an accident.
  5. Revisit Quotes after Improving Your Driving Record: If you’ve had accidents or traffic violations in the past, your insurance rates may have been higher. However, as time passes and you maintain a clean driving record, you may be eligible for lower rates. Revisit insurance quotes periodically to take advantage of these improvements.
  6. Consider Smaller Insurers: While larger insurance companies may be more well-known, don’t overlook smaller insurers. They often offer competitive rates and personalized service. Research different insurance providers to find the one that offers the best value for your needs.

Remember, finding cheap car insurance requires effort and diligence, but the savings can be significant. By comparing quotes, asking for discounts, and taking advantage of major life changes, you can save money while still getting the coverage you need.

Car Insurance Discounts That Can Lower Your Premium

When it comes to car insurance, there are numerous ways to save money on your premiums. Many insurance companies offer various discounts that can help lower your overall cost. These discounts are typically based on different criteria such as your driving history, affiliations, vehicle features, personal traits, customer loyalty, and policy details.

One common discount is for being a good driver. If you have a clean driving record with no accidents or traffic violations, you may qualify for a lower premium. Insurance companies often reward safe drivers with lower rates.

Another discount to consider is completing a defensive driving course. By taking an approved defensive driving course, you can demonstrate to insurance companies that you are dedicated to improving your driving skills and lowering the risk of accidents. This can result in a discount on your car insurance premium.

Installing anti-theft devices in your vehicle can also lead to savings on your car insurance. Features such as alarms, tracking systems, and steering wheel locks can deter thieves and reduce the likelihood of your car being stolen. Insurance companies may offer a discount for taking proactive measures to protect your vehicle.

If you are a student, getting good grades can also help you save on car insurance. Many insurance companies offer a discount for students who maintain a high GPA. This discount recognizes responsible behavior and suggests that good students are more likely to be responsible drivers as well.

Homeownership is another factor that can potentially lower your car insurance premium. If you own a home, some insurance companies may provide a discount for bundling your home and auto insurance policies.

It’s important to note that the discounts mentioned are just a few examples, and the availability of discounts may vary among insurance providers. To ensure you get the best possible rates, it’s always a good idea to reach out to multiple insurance companies and inquire about the discounts they offer.

I saved hundreds of dollars on my car insurance by taking a defensive driving course and installing an anti-theft device in my vehicle. It’s great to know that insurance companies reward responsible behavior and proactive steps to protect my car.—Rachel Smith

By taking advantage of available car insurance discounts, you can potentially lower your premium and make your coverage more affordable. Whether it’s being a good driver, completing a defensive driving course, having anti-theft devices, getting good grades, owning a home, or other factors, these discounts can add up to significant savings.

car insurance discounts

Discount Description
Good Driver Discount Lower rates for drivers with a clean driving record
Defensive Driving Course Discount Savings for completing an approved defensive driving course
Anti-Theft Device Discount Lower premiums for vehicles equipped with anti-theft devices
Good Student Discount Discounts for students with good grades
Homeownership Discount Savings for bundling home and auto insurance policies

Factors That Affect Your Car Insurance Premiums

When it comes to car insurance, several factors can influence the price you pay for coverage. Understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions and potentially save money on your car insurance premiums. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Age: Your age can impact your car insurance premiums. Generally, younger drivers, especially teenagers, tend to face higher rates due to their lack of driving experience. On the other hand, senior drivers may also encounter higher premiums as they age.
  2. State: The state you reside in plays a significant role in determining your car insurance premiums. Each state has its own set of regulations, minimum coverage requirements, and individual risk factors that can affect insurance rates.
  3. Coverage Level: The type and level of coverage you choose can impact your premiums. Opting for comprehensive coverage and higher limits can result in higher premiums compared to minimum coverage options.
  4. Type of Car: The make, model, and year of your vehicle can affect your insurance premiums. Cars with higher values, expensive repair costs, or a higher likelihood of theft may lead to higher insurance rates.
  5. Credit Score: In many states, your credit score can influence your car insurance premiums. Insurers consider individuals with lower credit scores to be higher risk, leading to potentially higher rates.

It’s important to note that these factors can vary among insurance companies and may impact premiums differently depending on your specific situation. Additionally, discounts and other factors not mentioned here may also affect your overall premium. To get an accurate understanding of your car insurance premiums, it’s best to compare quotes from multiple insurers.

Understanding the factors that affect your car insurance premiums can help you make informed decisions and potentially save money on your coverage.

By considering factors such as age, state, coverage level, type of car, and credit score, you can gain a better understanding of how these elements influence your car insurance premiums. Remember to shop around, compare quotes, and explore available discounts to find the most affordable and suitable car insurance for your needs.

Understanding Different Types of Insurance and Coverage Levels

When it comes to auto insurance, it’s important to understand the different types of coverage and the levels of protection they offer. This knowledge can help you choose the right policy for your needs and ensure you’re adequately protected on the road.

Liability insurance:

Liability-only insurance is the most basic and affordable option available. It covers damages and injuries that you may cause to others in an accident. However, it does not provide coverage for your own vehicle. Liability insurance is typically required by law in most states.

Full coverage insurance:

Full coverage insurance provides comprehensive and collision coverage in addition to liability insurance. Comprehensive coverage protects against non-collision incidents such as theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. Collision coverage pays for damage to your own vehicle in the event of an accident.

Other types of insurance:

In addition to liability and full coverage insurance, there are other types of coverage to consider:

  • Property damage liability insurance: This covers damages to someone else’s property, such as their vehicle or a fence, caused by your vehicle.
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: This protects you if you’re involved in an accident with a driver who doesn’t have insurance or has insufficient coverage.
  • Medical payments coverage: Also known as personal injury protection (PIP), this helps cover medical expenses for you and your passengers in the event of an accident.

Having a clear understanding of these different types of insurance and coverage levels can help you make informed decisions when choosing a car insurance policy. Consider your budget, driving habits, and the level of protection you need to select the right coverage for you.

By educating yourself about auto insurance and exploring the various options available, you can ensure you have the right coverage in place to protect yourself, your vehicle, and others on the road.


When it comes to finding affordable auto insurance, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, it’s important to compare quotes from different companies. By taking the time to gather multiple quotes, you can find the best deal that fits within your budget. Additionally, don’t forget to explore the various discounts that may be available to you. Many insurance companies offer discounts based on driver history, affiliations, vehicle features, and more.

Understanding the factors that affect insurance premiums is also crucial. Your age, state of residence, coverage level, type of car, and credit score can all impact your premiums. By having a clear understanding of how these factors come into play, you can make informed decisions that help you save money on your car insurance.

Lastly, it’s important to find the right balance between cost and protection. Choosing the appropriate coverage level for your needs and adjusting deductibles can help you strike that balance. Remember, the cheapest option may not always provide the level of coverage you require, so it’s essential to consider your specific needs and circumstances.


How can I find the cheapest car insurance company?

Comparing quotes from multiple insurers can help you find the cheapest car insurance company. Factors such as location and driver’s profile can affect rates, so it’s important to compare quotes from different companies.

How can I get cheap car insurance with a good driving record?

Maintaining a good driving record can help you find cheap car insurance. Companies like State Farm offer the cheapest rates for drivers with a clean record. Comparing quotes from other insurers such as Geico and Progressive can also help you find affordable rates.

Can I get affordable car insurance with poor credit?

Yes, you can still find affordable car insurance even with poor credit. Geico offers the lowest average rates for drivers with poor credit. Improving your credit score over time can also help lower your insurance premiums.

How can young drivers find affordable car insurance?

Young drivers can find affordable car insurance by staying on their family’s policy or getting quotes from companies like Geico, Progressive, and State Farm. Good student discounts are also available, so it’s important to ask about any available discounts.

What are some tips for senior drivers to find cheap car insurance?

Senior drivers can find cheap car insurance by shopping around and comparing quotes from different companies. Companies like American Family and Travelers offer competitive rates for senior drivers.

How can I find the cheapest car insurance by state?

NerdWallet analyzed rates and found the cheapest car insurance option for each state. Rates can vary from city to city, so it’s important to compare quotes for your specific location.

What are some tips for getting cheap car insurance?

To get cheap car insurance, you should compare quotes from different companies, ask for discounts, cash in on major life changes, consider raising your deductible, and consider smaller insurers. It’s also important to revisit quotes after improving your driving record.

What are some car insurance discounts that can lower my premium?

Many insurance companies offer discounts based on driver history, affiliations, vehicle features, personal traits, customer loyalty, and policy details. You may be eligible for discounts for being a good driver, completing a defensive driving course, having anti-theft devices, getting good grades, owning a home, and more.

What factors affect my car insurance premiums?

Factors such as age, state, coverage level, type of car, and credit score can affect your car insurance premiums. Teen drivers and senior drivers may face higher rates. State laws and minimum coverage requirements can also impact premiums, as well as the type of coverage and deductible chosen.

What are the different types of car insurance and coverage levels?

The cheapest option is liability-only insurance, but it may not cover all types of damages. Full coverage insurance includes comprehensive and collision coverage. Other types of insurance to consider include property damage liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and medical payments coverage. It’s important to choose the right coverage level for your needs and adjust deductibles to find a balance between cost and protection.

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Written by lyndas

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