
Comforting Funeral Potatoes Recipe – A Family Favorite

funeral potatoes

When it comes to comforting and delicious side dishes, funeral potatoes take the cake. Also known as cheesy funeral potatoes, this dish has been a staple in many families for generations. With its creamy texture, cheesy goodness, and unique crunchy topping, it’s no wonder why this recipe is a crowd-pleaser at potlucks, family gatherings, and holiday dinners.

What makes this dish so loved is the combination of simple ingredients that come together to create a delightful taste experience. Hash brown cubes, grated cheddar cheese, cream of chicken soup, and sour cream form the base of this casserole. But it doesn’t stop there – a topping of crushed corn flakes adds an irresistible crunch that perfectly complements the creamy filling.

Funeral potatoes are often served alongside a ham, salad, and rolls, making it a versatile side dish that pairs well with a variety of main courses. Whether you’re hosting a church potluck or a family dinner, this recipe is sure to be a hit.

Key Takeaways:

  • Funeral potatoes, also known as cheesy funeral potatoes, are a beloved dish in many families.
  • This creamy and cheesy casserole with a crunchy corn flake topping is perfect for potlucks and family gatherings.
  • The recipe includes simple ingredients like hash brown cubes, grated cheddar cheese, cream of chicken soup, and sour cream.
  • Funeral potatoes can be customized with additions like onions, ham, bacon, or chicken.
  • This versatile dish is baked until golden and bubbling, resulting in a comforting and delicious side dish.

A Classic Recipe for Cheesy Funeral Potatoes

Cheesy Funeral Potatoes, also known as traditional funeral potatoes, are a classic and comforting dish that is loved by many. The recipe typically includes hash brown cubes, grated cheddar cheese, cream of chicken soup, sour cream, and seasonings like salt and pepper. One of the signature elements of this dish is the crunchy corn flake topping, which adds a delightful texture and flavor. The potatoes are baked in the oven until they are cooked through and the cheese is melted and bubbly. The end result is a creamy and cheesy casserole with a golden brown crust. This recipe is perfect for potlucks, family dinners, and any gathering where you want to serve a comforting and delicious side dish.

“Funeral potatoes are a comforting and versatile dish that has been enjoyed by families for generations. The combination of creamy potatoes, melted cheese, and a crunchy corn flake topping creates a satisfying and flavorful experience. Whether you’re looking for a delicious side dish to accompany your main course or a comforting dish to bring to potlucks, funeral potatoes are always a crowd-pleaser.” – Chef Julie Thompson

Tips for Making the Best Funeral Potatoes

  • Use high-quality ingredients for the best flavor. Freshly grated cheddar cheese and real sour cream will make a difference.
  • Don’t skip the corn flake topping – it adds a delicious crunch to the dish.
  • Season the potatoes well with salt and pepper to enhance the flavors.
  • Feel free to customize the recipe by adding diced onions or other favorite ingredients.
  • For a creamier texture, mix in a little milk or additional sour cream.

Variations to Try

While the classic recipe for funeral potatoes is delicious on its own, you can also experiment with different variations to suit your taste preferences. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Add cooked and crumbled bacon for an extra savory twist.
  2. Include diced ham for a heartier version of the dish.
  3. For a spicier kick, mix in a dash of hot sauce or diced jalapenos.
  4. Replace the corn flake topping with crushed potato chips or breadcrumbs for a different texture.

A Complete Nutritional Breakdown

Ingredient Amount Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g)
Hash Brown Cubes 2 cups 320 4 8 60
Grated Cheddar Cheese 2 cups 880 52 72 4
Cream of Chicken Soup 1 can 310 5 22 16
Sour Cream 1 cup 480 6 48 12
Salt 1 teaspoon 0 0 0 0
Pepper 1/2 teaspoon 0 0 0 0
Corn Flake Topping 2 cups 240 2 4 50

These nutrition facts are approximate and may vary based on the specific brands and ingredients you use.

Tips and Variations for Making Funeral Potatoes

Making funeral potatoes is a straightforward process, but there are some tips and variations that can help you customize the dish to your liking.

1. Add Finely Diced Onion

For extra flavor, consider adding finely diced onion to your funeral potatoes. The onion adds a delicious savory note that complements the cheesy and creamy components of the dish.

2. Create a Meaty Version

If you’re a fan of meaty dishes, you can easily incorporate it into your funeral potatoes. Add cubed ham, mix in bacon, or even add diced chicken to elevate the flavor profile of the dish. The addition of meat adds a protein-packed element to this already hearty side dish.

3. Sprinkle Extra Cheese

If you prefer to skip the corn flake topping, you can opt to sprinkle extra cheese on top instead. The extra cheese will create a gooey and melty layer, providing an indulgent experience with every bite. It’s a perfect variation for cheese lovers.

4. Use Fresh Potatoes

If you prefer to use fresh potatoes instead of frozen hash browns, you can peel and dice them into bite-size pieces. While this adds an extra step to the preparation process, using fresh potatoes can give your funeral potatoes a homemade touch and slightly different texture. Just keep in mind that the cooking time may need to be adjusted accordingly.

Overall, funeral potatoes are a versatile dish that can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Whether you want to add extra ingredients, vary the toppings, or use fresh potatoes, these tips and variations allow you to put your own spin on this beloved side dish.

funeral potatoes side dish

Variation Description
Add Finely Diced Onion For extra flavor, incorporate finely diced onion into the recipe.
Create a Meaty Version Add cubed ham, bacon, or diced chicken to make a meaty variation.
Sprinkle Extra Cheese Instead of corn flake topping, sprinkle extra cheese on top.
Use Fresh Potatoes Peel and dice fresh potatoes instead of using frozen hash browns.

The Warmth and Comfort of Funeral Potatoes

Funeral potatoes, also known as cheesy funeral potatoes, are a beloved dish that brings warmth and comfort to any gathering. Whether it’s a church potluck, a family dinner, or a holiday feast, funeral potatoes are a crowd-pleasing side dish that will never disappoint.

The creamy and cheesy casserole with its crunchy corn flake topping is a comforting and delicious combination. The recipe is easy to make and can be customized with various additions and variations. You can add diced onion for extra flavor or mix in cubed ham, bacon, or chicken.

With its rich flavors and comforting textures, funeral potatoes are sure to become a family favorite in your household as well. So gather your loved ones, prepare a batch of funeral potatoes, and savor the warmth and comfort that this dish brings.


What are funeral potatoes?

Funeral potatoes, also known as cheesy funeral potatoes, are a beloved dish that is often served at large gatherings and special occasions. They are a creamy and cheesy casserole with a unique crunchy topping.

What are the ingredients for cheesy funeral potatoes?

The ingredients for cheesy funeral potatoes typically include hash brown cubes, grated cheddar cheese, cream of chicken soup, sour cream, and a topping of crushed corn flakes.

Are there variations of funeral potatoes?

Yes, there are several variations of funeral potatoes. Some popular additions include finely diced onion for extra flavor, cubed ham, bacon, or diced chicken for a meaty version. You can also omit the corn flake topping and sprinkle extra cheese on top instead. Fresh potatoes can be used instead of frozen hash browns, but the cooking time may need to be adjusted.

When are funeral potatoes typically served?

Funeral potatoes are commonly served alongside a ham, salad, and rolls at events like church potlucks, family gatherings, and holiday dinners.

What occasions are funeral potatoes suitable for?

Funeral potatoes are suitable for a variety of occasions, including church potlucks, family dinners, and any gathering where you want to serve a comforting and delicious side dish.

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Written by lyndas

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