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Ultimate Best Bread Recipe – Bake Like a Pro!

best bread recipe

Greetings, bread enthusiasts! If you’re looking for the ultimate best bread recipe, you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to share an easy, delicious, and foolproof homemade bread recipe that will make you feel like a professional baker. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned bread maker, this recipe will guide you through the process of creating artisan-style bread right in your own kitchen.

There’s something incredibly satisfying about the process of making your own bread. From the enticing smell that fills your home to the satisfaction of biting into a warm, crusty slice, homemade bread offers an experience like no other. With this recipe, you’ll be able to enjoy the flavors and textures of bakery-quality bread without ever leaving your kitchen.

But what makes this the ultimate best bread recipe? It’s a combination of simple ingredients, easy-to-follow steps, and a few expert tips that will elevate your bread-making game. Whether you’re a fan of hearty artisan loaves, quick breads, or healthier options, this recipe has got you covered. Get ready to embark on a delicious bread-baking journey!

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the joy of baking your own bread with the ultimate best bread recipe.
  • Create artisan-style bread right in your own kitchen with simple ingredients and easy steps.
  • Enjoy the flavors and textures of bakery-quality bread without leaving your home.
  • Explore different types of bread recipes, including quick breads and healthier options.
  • Enhance your bread-making skills with expert tips and techniques.

Types of Homemade Bread Recipes

When it comes to homemade bread, there are endless possibilities. Here, I’ll introduce you to various types of bread recipes that you can try in the comfort of your own kitchen. From quick breads to artisan-style loaves, there’s something for everyone’s taste.

Quick Breads

If you’re looking for a bread recipe that requires minimal time and effort, quick breads are the way to go. These breads do not rely on yeast for leavening, so there’s no need for proofing or waiting for the dough to rise. Instead, they use baking powder or baking soda as the leavening agent. Quick breads are perfect for those who want fresh bread on their table without the wait.

Lean Dough Breads

For those who enjoy crusty artisan bread, lean dough breads are a wonderful choice. Made with just four simple ingredients – flour, water, yeast, and salt – these breads are a testament to the beauty of simplicity. With proper kneading and shaping techniques, you can achieve a rustic loaf with a chewy interior and a crispy crust.

Rich Dough Breads

Similar to lean dough breads, rich dough breads also produce delectable artisan loaves. The difference lies in the additional ingredients added to the dough, such as milk, eggs, and sometimes sugar. These ingredients contribute to a softer texture and a richer flavor, making rich dough breads perfect for sandwiches or enjoyed on their own.

Sourdough Breads

Sourdough breads have gained popularity for their distinct tangy flavor and unique texture. These breads are made using wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria, which create a natural fermentation process. The result is a bread with a chewy crumb and a complex taste profile. Sourdough bread-making requires time and patience, but the end result is truly something special.

Now that you’re familiar with the different types of homemade bread recipes, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start baking! In the upcoming sections, I’ll provide you with detailed recipes and step-by-step instructions for each type. Get ready to embark on a delicious bread-making journey.

Homemade Bread Recipes Vocabulary

When it comes to homemade bread recipes, there are specific terms and vocabulary you should know. Understanding these terms will help you become a better bread baker and expand your bread-making knowledge.

Pre-ferment Techniques

Pre-fermentation refers to techniques that involve fermenting a small portion of the dough before incorporating it into the main dough. These techniques enhance the flavor and texture of the bread. Some common pre-ferment techniques include:

  • Poolish: A type of wet pre-ferment made from equal parts flour and water and a small amount of yeast. It has a thick batter-like consistency.
  • Biga: A type of stiff pre-ferment made from equal parts flour and water, with a small amount of yeast. It has a firm, dough-like consistency.
  • Levain: A natural leaven made from flour, water, and wild yeast. It is typically used in sourdough bread recipes.
  • Barm: A pre-ferment used in traditional English bread making, made from beer and flour.


Autolyse is a technique where flour and water are mixed together and allowed to rest before adding other ingredients. This resting period helps develop gluten and improves the dough’s extensibility.

Lame and Boule

A lame is a tool with a sharp, curved blade used to slash the top of the dough before baking. Slashing the dough allows steam to escape and creates beautiful patterns on the bread’s crust.

A boule is a round or ball-shaped loaf of bread. It is a common shape for artisan bread and sourdough recipes.

Gluten and Crumb

Gluten is a protein found in wheat flour that gives bread its structure and elasticity. It forms when flour is mixed with water and kneaded.

The crumb refers to the internal structure of the bread, including the air pockets and texture. A well-developed gluten network contributes to a desirable crumb.

Proofing and Fermentation

After the dough is shaped, it goes through a period of proofing or fermentation. This is when the yeast ferments the sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide gas that causes the dough to rise.

During proofing, the dough undergoes chemical changes that enhance its flavor and texture. The length of proofing time varies depending on the recipe and desired outcome.

Oven Spring

Oven spring refers to the rapid rise of the dough in the oven due to the expansion of trapped gases. This happens during the early stages of baking, resulting in a lighter and more open crumb structure.

Term Definition
Pre-ferment A small portion of the dough that is fermented before being incorporated into the main dough
Poolish A wet pre-ferment made from equal parts flour and water
Biga A stiff pre-ferment made from equal parts flour and water
Levain A natural leaven made from flour, water, and wild yeast
Barm A pre-ferment made from beer and flour
Autolyse A technique where flour and water are mixed together and allowed to rest before adding other ingredients
Lame A tool with a sharp, curved blade used to slash the top of the dough
Boule A round or ball-shaped loaf of bread
Gluten A protein found in wheat flour that gives bread its structure and elasticity
Crumb The internal structure of the bread, including the air pockets and texture
Proofing The process of allowing the dough to rise before baking
Fermentation The chemical changes that occur during proofing, enhancing the flavor and texture of the dough
Oven Spring The rapid rise of the dough in the oven due to the expansion of trapped gases

Homemade Bread Recipe Ingredients

When it comes to making homemade bread, having the right ingredients is key. Let’s take a closer look at the essential components that make up a delicious loaf of bread:

1. Flour

The main ingredient in any bread recipe is flour. It provides the structure and texture of the bread. There are various types of flour you can use, such as all-purpose flour, bread flour, whole wheat flour, or even specialty flours like rye or spelt.

2. Yeast

Yeast is responsible for the bread’s rise. It ferments and produces carbon dioxide, which creates air bubbles in the dough, resulting in light and fluffy bread. There are different types of yeast, including active dry yeast and instant yeast. Both work well for homemade bread recipes.

3. Salt

Salt not only enhances the flavor of the bread but also strengthens the gluten structure. It controls the fermentation process and helps to prevent the dough from over-rising. Using the right amount of salt is essential for achieving a well-balanced and flavorful loaf.

4. Water

Water hydrates the flour, activating the yeast and allowing fermentation to occur. The temperature of the water plays a crucial role in bread making, as it affects the fermentation process. It’s important to use water that is lukewarm, typically between 95°F and 110°F.

5. Sugar

Sugar serves multiple purposes in bread making. It feeds the yeast, helping it to grow and produce carbon dioxide. It also adds a touch of sweetness to the bread and aids in browning during baking. Common types of sugar used in bread recipes include granulated sugar, honey, or even molasses.

6. Fat

Fat adds richness and moisture to the bread. It helps to create a tender crumb and contributes to the overall flavor. You can use butter, oil, or other fats such as lard or shortening in your homemade bread recipes.

Now that you know the essential ingredients for making homemade bread, it’s time to explore how to measure them correctly and make informed choices when it comes to different types of flour and sweeteners. Let’s dive deeper into the world of bread making!

Bread Baking Essential Tools

To bake the best homemade bread, you’ll need a few essential tools. These tools will not only make your bread baking experience easier but also help you achieve professional-quality results. Let’s take a look at the must-have tools:

Bread Lame

One essential tool for bread baking is a bread lame. A bread lame is a small handheld tool with a sharp blade used to slash the top of the bread dough. These slashes allow steam to escape during baking, giving your bread a beautiful, artisan-style appearance. Offering both functionality and aesthetics, a bread lame is a must-have for any bread enthusiast.

Dutch Oven

A Dutch oven is another indispensable tool for baking bread. This cast-iron or enameled pot with a tight-fitting lid helps create the perfect environment for bread baking. The pot retains moisture, creating a steamy environment that promotes a crusty exterior and a moist, tender interior. A Dutch oven is particularly useful for achieving that coveted artisan-style bread with a professional-looking crust.

Rolling Pin

A rolling pin is an essential tool for shaping certain types of bread, such as flatbreads and pastry dough. It helps you evenly flatten and shape the dough to the desired thickness. Whether you’re making homemade pizza dough or rolling out dough for flaky croissants, a rolling pin is a versatile tool that every bread baker should have in their kitchen.

Kitchen Scale

Accurate measurements are crucial when it comes to baking bread. A kitchen scale ensures precise measurements of ingredients, enabling you to achieve consistent results every time. By weighing your ingredients, especially flour, you can achieve the perfect dough consistency and texture. Investing in a reliable kitchen scale will greatly enhance your bread baking success.

Now that you know the essential tools for bread baking success, it’s time to equip your kitchen with these must-haves. Whether you’re a seasoned bread baker or just starting your bread-making journey, these tools will elevate your skills and help you create delicious homemade bread.

bread baking tools

Bread Baking Tools Description
Bread Lame A handheld tool with a sharp blade used to slash the top of bread dough, allowing steam to escape during baking and creating beautiful designs.
Dutch Oven A cast-iron or enameled pot with a tight-fitting lid, ideal for creating steamy environments that result in a crusty exterior and moist interior.
Rolling Pin A cylindrical tool used to roll out and shape dough to the desired thickness, perfect for flatbreads and pastry dough.
Kitchen Scale An accurate scale for measuring ingredients, ensuring precise measurements and consistent results in bread baking.

Proofing Yeast and Bread

Properly proofing yeast and bread dough is essential for a successful homemade bread recipe. Let me guide you through the proofing process and help you achieve the perfect texture and flavor in your bread.

Proofing Yeast:

Proofing yeast is the process of activating it before incorporating it into your bread dough. To proof yeast:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm liquid, usually water or milk. The liquid should be around 110°F (43°C) to ensure the yeast activates properly.
  2. Add a small amount of sugar to feed the yeast. This helps speed up the activation process.
  3. Allow the yeast to sit undisturbed for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes frothy on the surface.

Once the yeast is proofed, you can confidently proceed with your bread recipe.

Proofing Bread Dough:

Proofing bread dough is the process of allowing it to rise. This gives the dough time to ferment, develop flavors, and create air pockets, resulting in a light and airy texture in the final bread.

The proofing process typically consists of two stages: the first proof and the second proof.

The First Proof:

After mixing your bread dough, cover it and let it rest in a warm, draft-free area for the first proof. The first proof usually takes about 1-2 hours, but this can vary depending on the recipe and ambient temperature.

The Second Proof:

Once the dough has completed its first proof, it’s time for the second proof. This involves shaping the dough into its final form, such as a loaf or rolls, and allowing it to rise again.

The second proof is usually shorter than the first, ranging from 30 minutes to an hour. It’s important to monitor the dough closely to prevent overproofing, which can result in a dense and gummy texture.

During the proofing stages, the dough should be covered to retain moisture and prevent it from drying out.

The Concept of Oven Spring:

Oven spring is the final rise that occurs when bread dough is placed in a preheated oven. The combination of steam and heat causes the dough to expand rapidly, creating a beautiful rise and a light, airy crumb.

It’s important to preheat your oven to the appropriate temperature and place your bread on a hot baking surface, like a baking stone or preheated Dutch oven, to maximize oven spring.

Understanding the proofing process, from proofing yeast to properly timing the first and second proofs, is essential for achieving bakery-quality bread at home.

Now that you know how to proof yeast and bread dough, let’s move on to the next step: shaping and baking your homemade bread.

Shaping and Baking Bread

Shaping bread dough is an important step in creating the perfect homemade loaf. Whether you’re making a classic sandwich bread or an artisan-style boule, the way you shape the dough can affect its texture and appearance. Let me guide you through the process of shaping bread dough for different types of recipes, including using a loaf pan or other techniques.

If you’re using a loaf pan, start by gently stretching the dough into a rectangle shape that matches the length of the pan. Then, tightly roll the dough from one end to the other, tucking in the sides as you go. Place the rolled dough seam side down in the greased loaf pan, cover it, and let it rise until it reaches the desired size.

For free-form loaves, such as boules or baguettes, you’ll need to use shaping techniques that help create tension in the dough. This tension is what gives the bread its beautiful, rounded shape and helps it hold its structure during baking. You can shape the dough into boules by folding the edges towards the center and then dragging the dough across the countertop to create tension. Place the shaped boule on a parchment-lined baking sheet and let it rise.

The way you shape the dough can affect its texture and appearance.

Once your bread is shaped, it’s time to focus on the baking process. The oven temperature plays a crucial role in achieving a perfectly baked loaf. For most bread recipes, a temperature of around 400°F (200°C) is ideal. This allows the bread to rise properly and develop a golden crust.

However, it’s important to note that different bread recipes may have specific temperature requirements. For example, some artisan breads benefit from a higher initial temperature to create a burst of steam and promote crust formation. Always refer to the recipe instructions for the recommended oven temperature.

Now comes the question of determining when the bread is fully baked. While the exterior may look golden and crusty, it’s important to check the internal temperature of the bread to ensure it’s fully cooked. An internal temperature of 190°F (88°C) is generally considered the benchmark for most bread recipes. Use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature by inserting it into the center of the loaf.

Shaping and Baking Bread Tips:

  • Experiment with different shaping techniques to create visually appealing loaves.
  • Grease or line your loaf pan with parchment paper for easy bread removal.
  • Preheat the oven to the specified temperature before baking the bread.
  • Invest in a digital thermometer for precise measurement of the bread’s internal temperature.

Now that you know the importance of shaping bread dough and understanding the baking process, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of homemade bread. In the next section, we’ll explore the best practices for storing and freezing your fresh bread to keep it delicious and ready to enjoy whenever you want.

Storing and Freezing Homemade Bread

Properly storing homemade bread is essential to maintain its freshness and flavor for as long as possible. Here are some tips on how to store and freeze your delicious homemade bread:

Storing Bread:

To store your homemade bread and keep it fresh, it’s important to create an environment that minimizes moisture loss and prevents air exposure. Airtight containers and bags are your best options for storing bread. Here’s how:

  1. Allow the bread to cool completely before storing it. This prevents condensation and maintains the texture.
  2. Wrap the bread tightly in plastic wrap or place it in a resealable plastic bag. Make sure there is no air trapped inside.
  3. Store the wrapped bread in an airtight container. This helps to further protect it from air and moisture.
  4. Keep the container in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry or bread box.

Following these steps will help your homemade bread stay fresh for up to 3-4 days. It’s important to note that homemade bread does not contain preservatives like store-bought bread, so it has a shorter shelf life.

Freezing Bread:

If you have more bread than you can consume within a few days, freezing is a great option to extend its shelf life. Freezing bread properly will help prevent freezer burn and maintain its quality. Here’s how to freeze bread:

  1. Follow the steps for storing the bread, ensuring it is wrapped tightly in plastic wrap or a resealable bag.
  2. Place the wrapped bread in a freezer-safe container or a heavy-duty freezer bag.
  3. Label the container or bag with the date to keep track of its freshness.
  4. Put the bread in the freezer, making sure it is stored upright to prevent deformation.

Frozen bread can stay fresh for up to 3 months, although it is best to consume it within the first month for optimal taste and texture.

Thawing Frozen Bread:

When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen bread, it’s important to thaw it properly to preserve its quality. Here’s how:

  1. Remove the frozen bread from the freezer and leave it wrapped as it thaws. This prevents the bread from drying out.
  2. Thaw the bread at room temperature for a few hours or overnight, depending on the size of the loaf.
  3. Once thawed, you can refresh the bread by placing it in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for 5-10 minutes.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the taste and texture of your homemade bread even after freezing it.

Don’t let any leftover bread go to waste! If you find yourself with stale bread, there are creative ways to utilize it. You can transform it into delicious croutons for salads or breadcrumbs for coating chicken or fish.

Remember, properly storing and freezing your homemade bread will help maintain its freshness, allowing you to enjoy it for longer periods of time.

Troubleshooting Common Bread Issues

Sometimes, issues can arise when baking homemade bread. Don’t worry, I’m here to help! In this section, I’ll address common problems like burnt crust, raw centers, dry bread, and dense loaves. I’ll provide troubleshooting tips and possible solutions to help you overcome these issues and achieve perfect homemade bread every time.

Burnt Crust

Problem: Is your bread coming out of the oven with a burnt crust?

Solution: To prevent a burnt crust, try the following:

  • Lower the oven temperature: If your bread is browning too quickly, reduce the temperature by 25°F (12°C) to prevent over-browning of the crust.
  • Cover the bread: If the crust is browning too quickly but the center is still raw, tent the bread with aluminum foil to protect it from further browning while allowing it to continue baking.
  • Use a lower rack position: Placing the bread on a lower rack can help prevent the top from burning while allowing the center to cook through.

Raw Center

Problem: Is your bread coming out of the oven with a raw center?

Solution: To ensure a fully cooked center, try the following:

  • Check the internal temperature: Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of the bread. It should reach at least 190°F (88°C) for most bread recipes.
  • Extend the baking time: If the center is still raw, but the crust is getting too dark, continue baking the bread at a lower temperature until the center is fully cooked. Tent the bread with foil if needed to prevent excessive browning.

Dry Bread

Problem: Is your bread turning out dry and lacking moisture?

Solution: To achieve a moist and tender loaf, try the following:

  • Adjust the hydration: Ensure that you are using the correct amount of liquid called for in the recipe. Too little water can result in dry bread, so consider adjusting the hydration level slightly by adding a little more water until the dough feels supple and slightly tacky.
  • Try a different recipe: Some bread recipes are naturally drier than others. Experiment with different recipes that are known for producing moist and flavorful loaves.
  • Store bread properly: Properly storing your baked bread in an airtight container or plastic bag can help retain moisture. Alternatively, you can slice the bread and freeze individual slices to maintain freshness.

Dense Bread

Problem: Is your bread turning out dense and heavy instead of light and airy?

Solution: To achieve a lighter texture, try the following:

  • Check your yeast: Ensure that your yeast is fresh and active. Expired yeast or improper storage can lead to poor rise and density in the bread. Use warm water and a small amount of sugar to activate the yeast properly.
  • Knead the dough properly: Proper kneading helps develop gluten, giving the bread structure and a lighter texture. Make sure to knead the dough for the recommended amount of time or until it passes the windowpane test.
  • Allow sufficient proofing time: Give the dough enough time to rise and double in size during the proofing process. Rushing the rise can result in dense bread.

By addressing these common bread issues and applying the troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to overcome any challenges and achieve bakery-worthy homemade bread. Now, let’s get back to baking!

burnt crust

Tips for Baking the Best Homemade Bread

Along with the specific techniques and recipes, I want to provide you with some general tips that will help you achieve bread baking success and become a master bread maker. These tips are based on my own experience and expert advice from seasoned bakers.

“The key to baking perfect homemade bread is attention to detail and practice. Don’t be discouraged if your first few loaves don’t turn out as expected. With time and these helpful tips, you’ll be baking delicious bread that will impress everyone.”

1. Use Quality Ingredients

High-quality ingredients are the foundation of a great loaf of bread. Opt for fresh flour, active yeast, and the best salt and water you can find. Investing in good ingredients will elevate the flavor and texture of your homemade bread.

2. Measure Accurately

Precision is key in bread baking. Use a kitchen scale to measure ingredients by weight, as it provides more accurate and consistent results compared to measuring cups. This ensures that you have the right proportions for a successful dough.

3. Take Note of Room Temperature

Temperature plays a crucial role in bread baking. Pay attention to the temperature of your ingredients and the environment in which you are proofing the dough. Maintaining an ideal temperature range will help the yeast work its magic and ensure a good rise.

4. Master the Kneading Technique

Proper kneading develops gluten, which gives bread its structure and chewiness. Whether kneading by hand or using a mixer, follow the recipe instructions and knead until the dough is smooth, elastic, and springs back when lightly pressed.

5. Allow Sufficient Proofing Time

Don’t rush the proofing process. Give the dough enough time to rise until it doubles in size. This allows the yeast to ferment and develop flavor. Be patient and create a warm, draft-free environment for optimal proofing.

6. Slash the Dough

After shaping the dough, make shallow slashes on the surface using a bread lame or a sharp knife. This allows steam to escape during baking, preventing the bread from cracking and creating an attractive design on the crust.

7. Bake with Steam

Creating steam in the oven during the initial stages of baking helps develop a crisp crust and a beautiful golden color. You can achieve this by placing a pan filled with boiling water on the lower rack or using a Dutch oven with the lid on for the first part of baking.

8. Test for Doneness

Instead of relying solely on bake times, use an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature of the bread. For most bread, the center should register around 190-205°F (88-96°C) when fully baked. This ensures that the bread is cooked through and not doughy in the center.

9. Allow Bread to Cool Completely

Resist the urge to slice into freshly baked bread right away. Allow it to cool completely on a wire rack. This allows the flavors to fully develop and ensures that the crumb sets properly.

10. Experiment and Have Fun

Bread baking is a journey of discovery. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flours, add-ins, and shaping techniques. Each loaf you bake is a learning experience, so have fun and enjoy the process!

Following these tips will help you improve your bread-making skills and achieve consistent success in baking the best homemade bread. Now, armed with these tips, it’s time to put them into practice and enjoy the delicious results of your bread-making adventures!


After diving into the world of homemade bread and discovering the ultimate best bread recipe, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action. With this recipe, you can fulfill your passion for baking and create bread that will impress even the most seasoned bread connoisseurs.

Baking your own bread brings a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, and with the tips shared in this article, you’ll be able to achieve bakery-quality results right in your own kitchen. From selecting the right ingredients to mastering the proofing and baking processes, you now have the necessary tools to create delicious, artisan-style bread that will leave everyone asking for more.

So, roll up your sleeves, preheat your oven, and let the aroma fill your home. With each slice of homemade bread, you’ll experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from creating something truly special. Now, it’s your turn to bake like a pro and enjoy the rich flavors and textures of your very own homemade bread masterpiece. Happy baking!


What types of homemade bread recipes can I try?

You can try quick breads, lean dough breads, rich dough breads, and sourdough breads. Each type has its own unique characteristics and flavors.

What are some important vocabulary terms related to homemade bread recipes?

Some important terms include pre-ferment techniques like poolish and biga, slashing dough with a lame, and understanding terms like autolyse, gluten, crumb, proof, hydration, fermentation, and oven spring.

What are the essential ingredients for a homemade bread recipe?

The essential ingredients for homemade bread include flour, yeast, salt, water, sugar, and fat like butter or oil.

What are the essential tools needed for bread baking?

Essential tools include a bread lame for slashing the bread, a Dutch oven for creating a crusty exterior, a rolling pin for shaping the dough, and a kitchen scale for accurate measurements.

How do I properly proof yeast and bread dough?

Proofing yeast involves activating it with warm liquid and sugar, while proofing bread dough is the process of allowing it to rise. Understanding the first and second proofing stages, as well as oven spring, is important for achieving the ideal texture and flavor in your bread.

How do I shape and bake homemade bread?

Shaping bread dough depends on the type of bread recipe you are making. We provide tips for shaping dough using a loaf pan or other techniques. We also guide you on oven temperature and how to determine when the bread is fully baked using internal temperature measurements.

How do I properly store and freeze homemade bread?

Properly storing bread in airtight containers or bags helps maintain its freshness. We provide tips on how to store bread and how long it stays fresh. We also guide you on freezing bread, including the best methods to wrap and thaw it. We also suggest creative ways to use leftover bread.

What are some common issues that may arise when baking homemade bread?

Common issues include burnt crust, raw centers, dry bread, and dense loaves. We provide troubleshooting tips and possible solutions to help you overcome these issues and achieve perfect homemade bread.

What are some general tips for baking the best homemade bread?

We provide general tips for baking the best homemade bread, including ingredient substitutions, kneading techniques, and other expert advice to help you achieve outstanding results in your bread baking endeavors.

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Written by lyndas

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