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Easy Black Bean Burger Recipe – Homemade Delight

black bean burger recipe

Looking for a delicious and nutritious vegetarian burger recipe? Look no further! I have the perfect homemade black bean burger recipe that will satisfy your cravings for a flavorful and healthy alternative to traditional burgers. Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan, or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based options into your diet, this easy black bean burger recipe is a must-try.

What makes these black bean burgers so special? They are packed with flavor, easy to make, and can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Plus, they are gluten-free and vegan-friendly, making them a versatile option for anyone with dietary restrictions or preferences. Say goodbye to bland and boring veggie burgers and say hello to a homemade delight that will leave you craving for more.

Key Takeaways:

  • This easy black bean burger recipe is a delicious and nutritious option for vegetarians and vegans.
  • These homemade burgers are packed with flavor and can be customized to suit your taste preferences.
  • They are gluten-free and vegan-friendly, making them a versatile option for dietary restrictions.
  • Making black bean burgers at home allows you to have control over the ingredients and customization.
  • Try this recipe for a quick and flavorful alternative to traditional burgers.

Why You Will Love This Recipe

There are several reasons why you will love this easy black bean burger recipe. First, these burgers are delicious and will satisfy even the most discerning meat lovers. The combination of flavors and spices creates a patty that is bursting with savory goodness.

Second, the short ingredient list makes this recipe incredibly convenient. You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen gathering a long list of obscure ingredients. Instead, you can whip up these delicious black bean burgers with common pantry staples.

But don’t let the simplicity fool you! These burgers are packed with flavor and nutrition. The star ingredient, black beans, provides a hearty and protein-rich base. Combined with sautéed veggies and spices, these burgers are not just tasty but also a wholesome meal option.

“These black bean burgers are simply irresistible! The flavors are incredible, and they are so easy to make. They have become a staple in my vegetarian recipe collection!” – Sarah

Ingredient Notes

When it comes to creating delicious black bean burgers, it’s important to gather the right ingredients. This recipe calls for a combination of flavorful and nutritious components that result in a satisfying burger experience. Here are the key ingredient notes:

Canned Black Beans

Canned black beans are a convenient option for this recipe, as they save time and effort compared to cooking dried beans from scratch. They provide a creamy texture and a rich source of plant-based protein.

Sautéed Veggies

To enhance the flavor and texture of the burgers, sautéed onion, garlic, and green pepper are included. These aromatic vegetables add a savory profile and a pleasant crunch to each bite.


A variety of spices are used to create a bold taste in the black bean burgers. Think of ingredients like chili powder, cumin, and paprika, which complement the natural earthiness of black beans and give the burgers a delightful kick.

Bread Crumbs

Bread crumbs play an essential role in binding the ingredients together. They help maintain the structure of the burgers and give them a satisfying texture. Opt for regular or gluten-free bread crumbs, depending on your dietary needs.


An egg is added to the mixture to act as a binder, keeping all the ingredients well combined. However, if you’re following a vegan diet, you can easily substitute the egg with a flax egg or other plant-based egg alternatives.

Ketchup and Soy Sauce

For added moisture and flavor, you have the option to include ingredients like ketchup and soy sauce. These elements complement the overall taste of the burgers and provide a touch of umami.

Vegan Option

If you prefer a vegan black bean burger, simply omit the egg and choose vegan-friendly bread crumbs. By making this small adjustment, you can still enjoy a delicious and satisfying plant-based burger.

Gluten-Free Option

For those with gluten sensitivities or following a gluten-free diet, you can use gluten-free bread crumbs and ensure that all other ingredients, such as spices and sauces, are gluten-free as well. This way, you can savor a flavorful black bean burger without any dietary concerns.

Now that you have a clear understanding of the ingredient notes, you’re ready to embark on the next steps of creating these tasty black bean burgers.

black bean burger

Best Way To Cook Black Bean Burgers

When it comes to cooking black bean burgers, there are several methods you can choose from, depending on your preference and the equipment you have available. Each method offers its own unique qualities, ensuring a delicious and satisfying burger experience.


One of the best ways to cook black bean burgers is by pan-frying them. This method creates a crispy exterior while maintaining a tender and flavorful interior. To pan-fry your burgers, simply heat a little oil in a skillet over medium heat and cook the burgers for a few minutes on each side until they’re golden brown and heated through. Pan-frying allows you to achieve that perfect combination of textures and flavors that will leave your taste buds longing for more.


If you’re looking to add a smoky flavor to your black bean burgers, grilling is an excellent option. Whether you choose to grill your burgers on well-oiled grill grates or a griddle, the heat from the grill brings out the natural flavors of the black beans and spices. Just make sure to oil the grill grates or griddle before placing the burgers on them to prevent sticking. Grilling gives your burgers a satisfying char and adds an extra layer of depth to their taste.


Baking is another method you can use to cook black bean burgers. While it may result in a slightly different texture compared to pan-frying or grilling, it’s a convenient option if you prefer a hands-off approach. To bake your burgers, preheat your oven to a moderate temperature, place the burgers on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake them for about 15-20 minutes, flipping them halfway through. This method is especially useful when you’re making a large batch of burgers.

Regardless of the cooking method you choose, make sure to follow the recipe’s recommended cooking times and temperatures to ensure your black bean burgers are cooked to perfection.

Now that you know the best ways to cook black bean burgers, it’s time to get in the kitchen and start creating your own mouthwatering masterpiece!

How To Make Easy Black Bean Burgers

Making these easy black bean burgers is a straightforward process. Just follow these simple step-by-step instructions to create delicious homemade black bean burgers:

  1. Mash the beans: Start by draining and rinsing the canned black beans. Use a fork or potato masher to mash the beans until they have a thick and chunky texture.
  2. Sauté the veggies: In a pan, sauté finely chopped onion, garlic, and green pepper until they become tender and fragrant. This step adds flavor and texture to the black bean burgers.
  3. Combine the ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed beans, sautéed veggies, bread crumbs, spices, and any additional ingredients like ketchup or soy sauce. Mix everything well to ensure even distribution of flavors.
  4. Shape the patties: Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape them into patties. The size and thickness of the patties can be adjusted according to personal preference.

For best results, consider the following tips:

  • Thickness: Aim for patties that are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. This ensures even cooking and a good balance of texture.
  • Chilling: Refrigerate the patties for at least 30 minutes before cooking. This helps them firm up and hold their shape better during cooking.

With these easy instructions, anyone can create delicious homemade black bean burgers that are packed with flavor. Get ready to enjoy a healthy and satisfying vegetarian meal!

Tips For The Best Homemade Black Bean Burger

When it comes to creating the best homemade black bean burger, there are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind. These simple techniques will ensure that your burgers turn out flavorful, perfectly cooked, and bursting with deliciousness.

Chilling the Mixture

After combining all the ingredients for your black bean burger, it’s important to chill the mixture before shaping the patties. This step helps the ingredients bind together and prevents the burgers from falling apart during cooking. If the mixture seems too wet, chilling it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes will help it firm up.

Mashing the Beans

When mashing the black beans, don’t go overboard. You want to break them up enough to create a textured patty, but not so much that they become mushy. Leaving some whole or partially mashed beans will give your burger a nice bite and enhance its overall texture.

Shaping the Patties

When shaping your black bean patties, aim for a thinner and wider shape rather than a thick one. Thinner patties cook more evenly, allowing the center to warm up without burning the exterior. Plus, the larger surface area ensures a nice sear and crispiness.

Cooking Over Medium Heat

To achieve the perfect black bean burger, cook them over medium heat. This temperature allows the burgers to cook through without charring or burning on the outside. It ensures that the patties are cooked evenly and retain their moistness and flavor.

Tips for the Best Homemade Black Bean Burger
Chill the mixture before shaping the patties to enhance binding.
Be careful not to over-mash the black beans for a textured patty.
Shape the patties thinner and wider for even cooking and a crisp exterior.
Cook the black bean burgers over medium heat to retain moisture.
Toast the buns for added flavor and crunch.

Toasting the Buns

Finally, don’t forget to toast the burger buns! This simple step adds an extra dimension of flavor and texture to your homemade black bean burgers. Just pop the buns in a warm oven or lightly toast them in a skillet until they’re golden and crispy.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating the best homemade black bean burger. With each bite, you’ll savor the perfect balance of flavors and textures that will leave you craving more.

Tips for the Best Homemade Black Bean Burger

How To Make Ahead, Store And Freeze

If you’re looking for a convenient meal prep option or want to have ready-made burgers on hand for quick and easy meals, this black bean burger recipe is perfect for you. Not only can you make these burgers ahead of time, but you can also store and freeze them for later use. Here’s how to do it:

Make Ahead and Store:

  1. Prepare a double batch of black bean burger mixture according to the recipe.
  2. Shape the mixture into patties, ensuring they are evenly sized for consistent cooking.
  3. Cook the burgers using your preferred method, whether it’s pan-frying, grilling, or baking.
  4. Allow the cooked burgers to cool completely.
  5. Store the burgers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

Freezing Instructions:

  1. If you plan to freeze the burgers, it’s best to freeze them individually first.
  2. Place each cooked and cooled burger on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Place the baking sheet in the freezer and let the burgers freeze for about 1-2 hours or until firm.
  4. Once the individual burgers are frozen, transfer them to a freezer-safe container or bag.
  5. Label the container with the date and name of the burgers.
  6. Store the frozen burgers in the freezer for up to 3 months.


When you’re ready to enjoy your make-ahead black bean burgers, simply take them out of the refrigerator or freezer and reheat them using one of the following methods:

  1. Pan-frying: Heat a little oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook the burger on each side for a few minutes until heated through.
  2. Grilling: Preheat your grill to medium heat. Place the frozen burger directly on the grill and cook for about 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through.
  3. Baking: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Place the frozen burger on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes.

Whichever method you choose, make sure to check the internal temperature of the burger to ensure it reaches a safe temperature of 165°F (74°C).

Now you can enjoy homemade black bean burgers anytime by simply making ahead, storing, and freezing them. It’s a convenient and delicious way to have a wholesome meal ready to go whenever you need it!

Serving Suggestions

This black bean burger recipe provides a delicious and customizable base for your favorite toppings and condiments. Get creative and elevate your burger experience with a variety of flavorful additions. Here are some serving suggestions to inspire you:

Burger Toppings:

  • Lettuce: Add a refreshing crunch to your burger.
  • Tomato: Enjoy juicy and tangy tomato slices.
  • Avocado: Indulge in creamy and buttery avocado slices.
  • Cheese: Melt your favorite cheese on top for an extra savory touch.


Enhance the flavors of your black bean burger with these condiment suggestions:

  • Ketchup: Classic and tangy, ketchup adds a familiar taste to your burger.
  • Mayonnaise: Creamy and rich, mayo provides a smooth texture and subtle flavor.
  • Mustard: Opt for traditional yellow mustard or explore different varieties for a unique twist.
  • Salsa: For a touch of heat and freshness, try adding salsa to your burger.


Complete your meal with these tasty side dish options:

  • Fries: Crispy and salty, fries are a classic accompaniment to burgers.
  • Coleslaw: The cool and tangy nature of coleslaw complements the bold flavors of the black bean burger.
  • Fresh Salad: For a lighter option, serve your burger with a side of fresh salad, tossed with your favorite dressing.

Remember, these serving suggestions are just the beginning. Feel free to experiment and personalize your black bean burger with toppings, condiments, and sides that suit your taste preferences. Enjoy a delicious and satisfying meal!


Making homemade black bean burgers is a flavorful and nutritious option that allows you to have control over the ingredients and customization. By cooking at home, you can create a healthy and delicious alternative to traditional burgers while embarking on a culinary adventure.

This recipe provides a simple and accessible way to enjoy homemade black bean burgers that are packed with flavor. Whether you’re a vegetarian, a vegan, or simply looking for a tasty and satisfying option, these burgers are sure to please.

Take the opportunity to customize your black bean burgers with your favorite toppings and condiments. From lettuce and tomato to avocado and cheese, the options are endless. Serve them with your choice of side dishes, such as fries, coleslaw, or a refreshing salad, to complete the meal.

So, next time you’re in the mood for a healthy and delicious burger, why not try this easy black bean burger recipe? It’s a homemade delight that will satisfy your cravings and take your taste buds on a culinary adventure. Get cooking, and enjoy the flavorful and nutritious goodness of homemade black bean burgers!


Can I make these black bean burgers ahead of time?

Yes, these black bean burgers can be made ahead of time. The recipe provides instructions for meal prep, including making a double batch and freezing the extra burgers. You can store the burgers in the fridge or freezer and reheat them when ready to eat.

How should I cook these black bean burgers?

There are several ways to cook black bean burgers, depending on your preference and available equipment. The best way is by pan-frying, which creates a crispy exterior while retaining a tender interior. Grilling is also a popular option, as it adds a smoky flavor. Baking is another option, although it may result in a slightly different texture.

What are the key ingredients in this black bean burger recipe?

The key ingredients include canned black beans, sautéed onion, garlic, and green pepper for flavor and texture, a variety of spices for a bold taste, bread crumbs for binding, an egg to help hold everything together, and optional additions like ketchup and soy sauce for added moisture and flavor. There are also suggestions for vegan and gluten-free options.

How do I make these easy black bean burgers?

Making these black bean burgers is a straightforward process. The recipe provides step-by-step instructions, starting with mashing the black beans and sautéing the veggies for added flavor. The ingredients are then combined and shaped into patties. The recipe also includes tips on thickness and chilling for best results.

What are some tips for achieving the best homemade black bean burgers?

To achieve the best results, you should chill the mixture if it’s too wet, be careful not to over-mash the beans, shape the patties on the thinner side for optimal texture, cook over medium heat to ensure thorough cooking without charring, and toast the burger buns for added flavor and texture.

Can I make these black bean burgers vegan and gluten-free?

Yes, the recipe provides suggestions for making these black bean burgers vegan and gluten-free. You can use vegan-friendly substitutes for the egg and opt for gluten-free bread crumbs. The recipe is versatile and can be customized to suit various dietary needs.

How can I store and reheat these black bean burgers?

These black bean burgers can be stored in the fridge or freezer. The recipe provides instructions for meal prep and freezing the extra burgers. When ready to eat, you can reheat the burgers by thawing them in the fridge overnight and then pan-frying, grilling, or baking until heated through.

What are some serving suggestions for these black bean burgers?

These black bean burgers can be customized with your favorite burger toppings and condiments. The recipe suggests toppings like lettuce, tomato, avocado, and cheese. Toasting the burger buns is also recommended for added flavor. Additionally, the recipe provides suggestions for serving the burgers alongside side dishes like fries, coleslaw, or a fresh salad.

Why should I make these homemade black bean burgers?

Making homemade black bean burgers allows you to have control over the ingredients and customization. By cooking at home, you can create a healthy and delicious alternative to traditional burgers while enjoying a culinary adventure. With this recipe, you can easily make flavorful and nutritious black bean burgers that will satisfy your cravings and suit your dietary preferences.

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Written by lyndas

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