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Homemade Egg Noodle Recipe | Quick & Delicious

egg noodle recipe

Hey there, fellow cooking enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to share with you my tried and tested homemade egg noodle recipe. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, this recipe is perfect for you. With just four simple ingredients and a few easy steps, you’ll have a batch of homemade egg noodles that are incredibly delicious and versatile.

There’s something truly satisfying about making your own noodles from scratch. The taste and texture of these homemade egg noodles are far superior to store-bought ones. Plus, they’re so quick to make that you’ll be enjoying a bowl of fresh noodles in no time.

Key Takeaways:

  • This homemade egg noodle recipe requires just four basic ingredients.
  • The noodles can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups to stroganoff.
  • With this recipe, you can make tender and flavorful noodles without any special equipment.
  • The dough is easy to work with and can be rolled out and cut into your preferred noodle shape.
  • You can cook the noodles immediately or store them for later use.

Ingredients for Homemade Egg Noodles

When it comes to making delicious homemade egg noodles, you only need a handful of simple ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. With just eggs, flour, milk, and salt, you can create a batch of tender and flavorful egg noodles that will elevate your dishes. This easy and budget-friendly recipe is perfect for those looking to add a personal touch to their meals.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

Ingredients Quantity
Eggs 2
Flour 2 cups
Milk 3 tablespoons
Salt 1/2 teaspoon

With just these four basic ingredients, you can create a versatile and delicious batch of homemade egg noodles. Whether you’re making a comforting bowl of chicken noodle soup or a rich beef stroganoff, these homemade egg noodles will take your dish to the next level. So let’s get started and make some mouthwatering homemade egg noodles!

Now that we have our ingredients ready, it’s time to move on to the next step: making the egg noodle dough. Stay tuned!

Making the Egg Noodle Dough

To create the perfect homemade egg noodles, it all starts with making the dough. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by mixing eggs, milk, and salt together in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Gradually stir in flour until the dough comes together in a ball. The dough should be slightly sticky but not overly wet.
  3. Knead the dough on a floured surface for a few minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  4. Let the dough rest for a few minutes. This will make it easier to roll out later.

Now you have a perfectly prepared egg noodle dough that’s ready to be rolled out and transformed into delicious homemade egg noodles.

Rolling and Cutting the Noodles

Once the dough has rested, it’s time to roll it out and cut it into beautiful, delicate noodles. This step is where your homemade egg noodles really start to take shape.

To roll out the dough, you’ll need a floured surface. Sprinkle some flour on your countertop or a large cutting board to prevent the dough from sticking. Place the rested dough on the floured surface and begin rolling it out with a rolling pin. Roll the dough in different directions to achieve an even thickness, aiming for less than 1/4″ thick. The thinner you roll the dough, the lighter and more delicate your noodles will be.

Once you’ve rolled out the dough to the desired thickness, it’s time to cut it into noodles. You can use a sharp knife or a pizza cutter to do this. Cut the dough into long strips of your preferred width. If you like your noodles narrow, you can cut them into thin strips. If you prefer wider noodles, cut them into wider strips. This step allows you to customize the noodles to your liking.

If you want to add a special touch to your noodles, try twisting some of the strips with your fingers as you cut them. This will create a unique and beautiful shape that adds an extra element of visual appeal to your dish.


  • To prevent the dough from sticking to the surface or the rolling pin, sprinkle additional flour as needed throughout the rolling and cutting process.
  • If the dough becomes too elastic and difficult to roll, let it rest for a few more minutes to relax the gluten before continuing.
  • Consider using a ruler or a pasta cutter with different width options if you want precise noodle sizes.
  • Don’t worry about making the noodles perfectly uniform. The imperfections add character and showcase their homemade charm.


“Rolling and cutting the noodles is a satisfying and creative process. It’s like sculpting pasta from scratch, and each noodle turns out slightly unique. Get ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor!”

Noodle Width Description
Narrow Thin and delicate noodles that are perfect for soups or light sauces.
Medium A versatile option that works well with various sauces and dish preparations.
Wide Thick and hearty noodles that can hold up to robust sauces and fillings.

Cooking and Serving the Egg Noodles

To prepare the delicious homemade egg noodles, start by adding them to a pot of boiling water. Boil them until they reach the perfect tenderness, which usually takes around 2-3 minutes. Once cooked, drain the noodles and get ready to savor their delightful flavor.

For a simple and satisfying dish, serve the cooked egg noodles with a generous dollop of butter and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. This classic combination will enhance the taste of the noodles and create a comforting meal that you’ll want to enjoy again and again.

But that’s not all! These homemade egg noodles are so versatile that they can be used in a variety of recipes. Add them to your favorite soup, like a warm and comforting chicken noodle soup, or incorporate them into traditional dishes such as Swedish meatballs or creamy beef stroganoff. The possibilities are endless!

Not only are these egg noodles delicious, but they also add a homemade touch to your meals, impressing your family and friends with your culinary skills. They are the perfect addition to any occasion, whether it’s a cozy family dinner or a special gathering.

“The homemade egg noodles bring a unique texture and flavor to any dish. They are versatile and can be enjoyed in soups, stews, and a wide range of recipes.”

Are you ready to experience the joy of homemade egg noodles in your own kitchen? Try this easy and mouthwatering recipe today!

Recipe Servings Calories Carbohydrates (g) Protein (g) Fat (g)
Egg Noodles 4 292 56 10 2

Tips and Tricks for Homemade Egg Noodles

Don’t be intimidated by making homemade egg noodles. This recipe is forgiving, and you can adjust the consistency of the dough by adding a little more flour or liquid as needed. Allowing the dough to rest before rolling it out and after cutting the noodles can make them easier to work with and prevent them from shrinking. You can also make the noodles ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator or freezer for later use.

Adjusting the Dough Consistency

When making homemade egg noodles, it’s important to achieve the right consistency for the dough. If the dough feels too sticky, you can gradually add more flour, a tablespoon at a time, until the dough is more manageable. On the other hand, if the dough feels dry and crumbly, you can add a bit of liquid, such as water or additional eggs, to bring it together. Remember that the perfect dough should be slightly sticky but not overly wet.

The Importance of Resting the Dough

Give the egg noodle dough some time to rest both before rolling it out and after cutting the noodles. Resting the dough for about 15-30 minutes helps to relax the gluten, making it easier to roll out. This also allows the dough to hydrate fully, resulting in more tender and pliable noodles. It’s a crucial step that can greatly enhance the texture of the final product.

Make-Ahead and Storage Options

If you’re short on time or want to prepare the noodles in advance, you can make them ahead of time and store them for later use. After cutting the noodles, you can spread them out on a baking sheet to dry slightly and prevent them from sticking together. Once they’re dry to the touch, you can transfer them to an airtight container or a ziplock bag. Store the noodles in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze them for longer-term storage. Just make sure to label and date the container or bag for easy reference.

When you’re ready to use the stored noodles, there’s no need to thaw them. You can cook the frozen noodles directly in boiling water, adding an extra minute or two to the cooking time. Alternatively, you can add the frozen noodles directly to soups or other recipes, allowing them to thaw and cook as the dish simmers.

Tips and Tricks for Homemade Egg Noodles
Adjust the dough consistency by adding flour or liquid.
Rest the dough before rolling it out and after cutting the noodles to improve texture.
Make-ahead and store homemade egg noodles in the refrigerator or freezer.

Make-Ahead and Storage Instructions for Homemade Egg Noodles

If you’re looking to save time or plan ahead, you’ll be glad to know that these homemade egg noodles can be made in advance and stored for future use. Follow these easy make-ahead and storage instructions to enjoy your homemade egg noodles whenever you want.

Drying and Storing Egg Noodles

After rolling and cutting the egg noodles, allow them to air dry for a short period. This will help remove excess moisture and prevent them from sticking together during storage. To dry the noodles, lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave them to air dry for about an hour or until slightly firm to the touch.

Storage Method Refrigeration Freezing
Storage Duration A few days A few months
Container Ziplock bag or airtight container Freezer-safe bag or container
Preparation for Use Cook in boiling water Cook directly from frozen or thaw in the refrigerator

Refrigerating Egg Noodles

If you plan to use the homemade egg noodles within a few days, store them in a ziplock bag or airtight container and place them in the refrigerator. They will stay fresh and ready to use for your upcoming meals. When you’re ready to cook, simply add them to a pot of boiling water and cook until tender, usually around 2-3 minutes.

Freezing Egg Noodles

If you want to store the egg noodles for a longer period, freezing is a great option. Place the dried noodles in a freezer-safe bag or container, ensuring they are well-sealed. Frozen homemade egg noodles can be stored for up to a few months. When you’re ready to cook, you have a couple of options. You can either cook them directly from frozen by adding them to boiling water or thaw them in the refrigerator overnight before cooking.

Make-Ahead Dough Freezing Option

If you prefer to have the noodles ready to cook from frozen dough, you can freeze the dough itself before rolling it out. After kneading the dough, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, place it in a freezer-safe bag or container, and freeze. When you want to use the dough, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator overnight, then roll it out and cut into noodles as usual.

With these make-ahead and storage instructions, you can have homemade egg noodles on hand whenever you need them. Feel free to experiment with different storage methods and find the one that works best for you. Whether you choose to refrigerate or freeze them, you’ll always have a delicious and satisfying meal option ready to go.

make-ahead egg noodles image

Recipe Nutrition Information

When enjoying a delicious homemade egg noodle recipe, it’s always good to be aware of the nutritional value. Here’s a breakdown of the approximate nutritional information for this recipe:

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 292
Carbohydrates 56g
Protein 10g
Fat 2g

Please note that the nutritional values may vary depending on the specific brands and quantities of ingredients used. It’s always a good idea to consult the packaging labels of your chosen products for accurate information.

Knowing the nutritional information of your homemade egg noodles helps you make informed dietary choices while still enjoying their delicious flavor.

Possible Variations for Homemade Egg Noodles

You don’t have to stick to the basic recipe for homemade egg noodles. Get creative and customize them with your favorite flavors and ingredients. Here are some possible variations to try:

Add Minced Garlic

Garlic lovers, this one’s for you! For a flavorful twist, add some minced garlic to the egg noodle dough. The garlic will infuse the noodles with a delicious aroma and taste. It pairs well with a variety of dishes, especially those with a savory or creamy sauce.

Include Fresh Herbs

Take your noodles up a notch with fresh herbs. Adding herbs like basil, oregano, or rosemary to the dough can elevate the flavor profile of your homemade egg noodles. Roll the dough with the herbs incorporated, and you’ll have aromatic and tasty noodles perfect for Italian-inspired dishes or herb-infused soups.

Season with Freshly Cracked Black Pepper

For a subtle but impactful flavor boost, try adding freshly cracked black pepper to the dough. The pepper adds a slight heat and enhances the overall taste of the noodles. It complements dishes with a bit of spice or dishes that benefit from a touch of warmth.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different seasonings and additions to make the noodles your own. From dried herbs to spices, the possibilities are endless. Be adventurous and have fun creating unique flavors that suit your personal preferences.

Possible Variations for Homemade Egg Noodles


Making homemade egg noodles is not only easy but also rewarding. The taste and texture of freshly made noodles are incomparable to store-bought ones. With just a few basic ingredients and some simple steps, you can create delicious and versatile homemade egg noodles that will elevate your dishes.

So next time you’re in the mood for some comfort food, give this homemade egg noodle recipe a try and enjoy the homemade goodness.

Whether you’re making a comforting bowl of chicken noodle soup, a rich and creamy stroganoff, or a simple butter and cheese pasta dish, these homemade egg noodles will take your recipes to the next level. The satisfaction of creating something from scratch and the amazing taste of fresh noodles will have you coming back to this recipe time and time again.

So grab your eggs, flour, milk, and salt, and get ready to enjoy the perfect homemade egg noodles. Your taste buds will thank you!


Is making homemade egg noodles difficult?

No, making homemade egg noodles is incredibly easy with just a few simple ingredients and steps.

What ingredients do I need to make homemade egg noodles?

You’ll need eggs, flour, milk, and salt to make homemade egg noodles. These are basic pantry staples.

How do I make the egg noodle dough?

To make the egg noodle dough, mix eggs, milk, and salt together until smooth, then gradually stir in flour until the dough comes together in a ball.

How thin should I roll the dough for the noodles?

Roll the dough out until it’s very thin, less than 1/4″ thick, using a rolling pin. You can adjust the thickness to your preference.

How do I cook the egg noodles?

To cook the egg noodles, add them to boiling water and cook until tender to the bite, for about 2-3 minutes. Then, drain and serve.

Can I make the egg noodles ahead of time?

Yes, you can make the egg noodles ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator or freezer for later use.

How can I store the homemade egg noodles?

You can store the homemade egg noodles in a ziplock bag or airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days or in the freezer for up to a few months.

What is the nutritional information for the egg noodles?

Each serving contains approximately 292 calories, 56g of carbohydrates, 10g of protein, and 2g of fat. The nutritional information may vary based on the specific brands and quantities of ingredients used.

Can I customize the homemade egg noodle recipe?

Yes, you can customize the recipe by adding minced garlic, herbs, or spices to the dough to enhance the flavor of the noodles.

Why should I make homemade egg noodles?

Making homemade egg noodles is easy and rewarding. The taste and texture of freshly made noodles are incomparable to store-bought ones.

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Written by lyndas

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